It is not old news
that poverty is vicious. However, there are principles; though not new, but nonetheless
can lead to achievement of wealth if applied right. These principles need to be
reinforced and re-examined constantly as there is a thin line between success
and failure, and when you stop to increase, you start to decrease.
Welcome to the rendezvous for happy entrepreneurs. Here, you shall get loads of tips, insights, ideas and experiences for business empire builders. You should also expect news for enterprise commanders, business opportunities, management/leadership topics, motivational articles and interviews with successful captains of industry. It is my sincere belief that you would congratulate yourself many times if you make it a habit to visit this blog often.
Saturday, 22 August 2015
Snail farming
Snail meat has been severally affirmed to be a most safe and nutritious delicacy. In these days of increased coronary complications and other health implications, snail producers are certain to hit it big because more people are shunning beef or red meat.
Monday, 10 August 2015
6 Reasons Why Entrepreneurship is Cool
The earth
was originally designed to function on entrepreneurship. If you trace the
history of our world to its foundation, folks then were all doing their thing.
They were farmers, shepherds, hunters and the likes. Becoming employees is a
later phenomenon that exploded after the industrial revolution
US Raise $1 Billion for Entrepreneurs
The United
States of America has raised over $1 billion new investment as start up capital
for upcoming entrepreneurs around the world.
U.S. President Barack Obama (L) and Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta
(2nd R) take part in a roundtable with young businesspeople at the
Global Entrepreneurship Summit at the United Nations compound in
Nairobi, Kenya July 25, 2015. Photo/REUTERS - See more at:
U.S. President Barack Obama (L) and Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta
(2nd R) take part in a roundtable with young businesspeople at the
Global Entrepreneurship Summit at the United Nations compound in
Nairobi, Kenya July 25, 2015. Photo/REUTERS - See more at:
Barak Obama gave this revelation at the 2015 Global
Entrepreneurship Summit –-
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